Saturday, 10 September 2011

Communism and Capitalism - both are the bloody cruel ideology!

For the first, let us see, that the Communism and Capitalism came from the same root - Darwinism, which brought the hell to the world!
Many of Malaysian people seem to be out of dated or maybe kindly called blindly ignorance about the hell of either communism or capitalism both. Both of these ideology supposed to be good economic system which embraced by world major countries. The race of both system to dominate the world resulted to the forming of two different economy-block among the countries.

I dun want to preach about what the hell are those communism and capitalism. It already described in each philosophy in their own view. But over than that, let's us open our eyes, that both of the economic system, communism or capitalism, both are cruel and suppressing peoples' freedom.

The term capitalism means the sovereignty of capital, a free and unrestricted economic system totally based on profit and where society is in competition within these criteria. There are three important elements in capitalism: individualism, competition, and profit-making.

Individualism is important because people see themselves not as a part of society, but as "individuals" standing alone on their own two feet. "Capitalist society" is an arena where individuals compete with one another under very harsh and ruthless conditions just like that described by Darwin, where only the strong survive, where the weak and powerless are crushed and eliminated.

In the other hand, Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless and stateless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, and the end of wage labour and private property in the means of production and real estate

However, Communist fanaticism has had very negative influences on the social life in countries under their regimes, forcing on people a hellish life devoid of compassion, denying the existence of God, alienating them from religion and discounting all spiritual and moral values. It has imprinted on societies a mentality that thinks of human beings as chunks of matter that will perish after death, establishing one of the most inhuman institutions in history.

The race between communism and capitalism caused two world wars. In other view, this race between two system is to destroy another system that dominating the world that time, it was Islam. The fight between communism and capitalism was fabricated. If we see through, both ideology comes from one root - Darwinism. In communist ideology, it's separated into three different doctrines; such as council communists and non-Marxist libertarian communists and anarcho-communist oppose the idea of a vanguard party and a transition stage, and advocate for the construction of full communism to begin immediately upon the abolition of capitalism.

Come back to Malaysia, why communism despited in Malaysia? My answer is one - because Malaysia now is governing by capitalist rules where UMNO-the stooges of British colonial. They put their doctrine to despite communist person and group to all of anti-colonial group, whether they are communist or not. Peoples been doctrined that communist are bloody cruel, killing and raping their ancestors and freedom fighters - UMNO called theirselves as freedom fighters.

What if communist win to gonvern this Malaya? of course those capitalist-british-and-stooges will be despited and called terrorist, and rebel against peoples freedom. This is what we called , the winners write the history, the losers write the poem. History is for the winner. This is stupid tradition.  What so great to despite communism while you embracing the capitalism? Both of communism and capitalism are bloody cruel to peoples.

For the Malaya freedom point of view, the communist actually want to dominate Malaya, while Capitalist were dominating Malaya by British colonist. This is the fight between Communist and Capitalist. Japanese is also a communist freak country, which come from different doctrine. they fight among theirselves - Japan communist, Malaya communist (PKM) and British capitalist to conquer our land!

Some of citizen teamen up with Japan, some teamed up with PKM, some becomes stooges of the British. They were making riots and bloody fight in our beloved land, and killed many of us.

After the power of communism denaturalized, Capitlist power become dominant to the world. the communism shrinked. Even Japan now is not so-communist, not so capitalist. They policy now opened. The capitalist didnt worry much about communist, which pure communist left just North Korea, Venezeula and Cuba.

The Capitalist colonies now worriying about the second rising of Islamic power. Islamic power are growing all over the world. In Malaysia, they are worriying about the growing Islamic Party - PAS!

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